Double Bubble Universe
A new model for theoretical physics
Understand The Fundamentals Of The
Double Bubble

They are made of the four great primals: space, time, matter, and energy. Our familiar upper bubble has spacetime holding regular matter and energy, along with the known pole of gravitation. The lower bubble has timespace holding antimatter and tachyonic energy, along with the lost pole of gravitation.
We cannot see that other bubble except in theory and the mind’s eye. But conveniently, about 25% of identical human twins also exhibit mirror-reversed symmetry in their features. Each mirror-twin exhibits traits opposite to the other twin.
One mirror twin is right-handed, while the other is left-handed. A cowlick that whorls leftward on one twin’s head reverses into a rightward whorl on the other twin’s head. Mirror twins may even have reciprocal teeth rotations with mirror-reversed images of their bitemark patterns.
As with identical human twins, the visible bubble that science sees above the quantum scale can be used to hypothesize the hidden bubble’s mirror-reversed features. The physical laws of our known bubble can help us infer some flip-flopped traits of that mirror-twin bubble stretching on the other side of the mobic scale.
The reversing-mirror symmetry of space, time, and gravitation between the two bubbles can be described by mathematics and the inversion laws of physics. This inversion of properties is a robust trait of the Double Bubble TOE.

Newton’s discoveries carried classical mechanics right up through the 19th century. But that model got swallowed whole at the start of the 20th century by the new, larger scope of the standard model of cosmology and the standard model of particles—initiated by Albert Einstein, Max Planck, and others.
However, modern physics is now choking on new, unaccountable data. Dark matter? Dark energy? Missing original antimatter? Accelerating expansion of space? Only one pole of gravitation? How to explain all that? Whatever comes next must absorb the old physics within a new theory that is even more comprehensive and useful.
The Theory of Everything (or TOE) that you’ll see here requires a really big gulp…even all the way to metaphysics. It combines physical, mathematical, and philosophical ways to look at our Double Bubble universe. All three approaches converge in a foundational master code.
In this TOE, it is not photons, but polarized pulsing at the mobic scale that projects the hologram of this Double Bubble universe...which is as real as anything we know.

The physics of the Double Bubble universe recalls the two domains of the Lorenz attractor…while its mathematical and philosophical aspects recall the ancient Chinese I Ching in math and meaning. The I Ching still influences world culture. In fact, you can spot its 8 trigram symbols on this modern Frisbee.

The Cosmegg
Current physics sees only the upper bubble, and only above the quantum scale. It cannot actually see down into the tiny quantum scale, much less into the ultra-tiny mobic scale.
This TOE says that far below the quantum scale is the mobic scale. Here is where space and time first emerged. It was here that the cosmic egg—or cosmegg, for short—developed a master code to generate the Double Bubble universe.
Its pulsing code used two gravitational poles, positive and negative, to establish a fractal cochaos dynamic in a mobic band of dimensionality faced by 2D space and 2D time.
The cosmegg utilized the mobic band of 2D space/2D time as a hub on which to develop a single hourglass cell of dimensionality projecting far above and below the mobic scale.
Then the cosmegg built on that success by replicating its single hourglass cell into myriad hourglass cells. They merged holographically into two huge mirror-twin bubbles, and the conjoined “wasp-waists” of all those hourglass cells created a porous membrane interface that linked the two huge bubbles at the mobic scale.
That instant proliferation of myriad hourglass cells of dimensionality? With all of them merging into this holographic Double Bubble universe? That’s what our upper-bubble science calls inflation!
Both bubbles have fractal traits deriving from their tetrahedral origin at the mobic scale. That’s what generated the latticing of 3D space in the upper bubble, and likewise, of 3D time in the lower bubble.
In each bubble, its 3D latticing bonds using 8 × 8 = 64 different 6-pack options of polarized gravitational force. The lattice grid can scale up and down and its bonds can change polarity according to need.
The Double Bubble universe is a pair of huge, mirror-twin bubbles. They are conjoined by a porous membrane interface. Its myriad pores are rotating Mobius bands faced by 2D space/2D time. These mobic bridges constantly transfer a rollicking traffic of data between both bubbles.
Current physics sees only the upper bubble, and only above the quantum scale. It cannot actually see down into the tiny quantum scale, much less into the ultra-tiny mobic scale.
We live far above the quantum scale in this familiar upper bubble. Current physics says it has 4 dimensions: 3D space and 1D time. This upper bubble has contiguous 3D space—polarized into three full, coordinating spatial dimensions. It is easy to see that each spatial dimension has two opposing directions—Height: up and down; Width: side to side; Depth: back and forth. So much for 3D space.
Current physics also says our arrow of time is 1D. However, this TOE disagrees. It says our ubiquitous arrow of time is only half a dimension! Why?…because it goes in only one direction—ahead.
Our upper bubble’s time arrow cannot backtrack. It can only shoot forward. Thus it has a to but no fro. So it is only ½D time!
It is worth noting that Einstein was urged by his mentor and former math professor, Hermann Minkowski, to declare the arrow of time a full dimension in special relativity. Why? Because it would validate Minkowski’s own theory of “Minkowski spacetime” as a four-dimensional spacetime manifold. A hesitant Einstein reluctantly agreed to do so upon deciding that viewing time as a full dimension might help him work out a unified field theory. It did not.
Between both bubbles is a membrane interface at the mobic scale. And below that membrane is the conjoined mirror-twin bubble. It is a reversed doppelganger to this bubble we live in far above the quantum scale.
In that other bubble’s time-space, its contiguous 3D time is polarized into three full, coordinating dimensions of time. But its ubiquitous arrow of space is only half a dimension!
Why? Because it goes in only one direction—ahead.
The lower bubble’s space arrow cannot backtrack. It can only shoot forward. Thus it has a to but no fro. So it is only ½D space!
How many dimensions are in the Double Bubble universe?
Count them up. Each mirror-twin bubble has 3.5 dimensions. That’s 7 dimensions so far. Then the membrane interface at the mobic scale also has 4 dimensions in its mobic pores. They are ultra-tiny Mobius bands of dimensionality faced by 2D space and 2D time.

In all, this gives the Double Bubble universe the 11 dimensions favored by most superstring theories. However, these dimensions are not just theoretical variables added to unify forces in Kaluza-Klein style.
Unlike other theories of 11 dimensions, the Double Bubble universe has three subsets of actual dimensionality that cooperate across the whole system. And unlike other theories, these dimensions even provide a balance between space and time!
Moreover, notice something really odd in these subsets of dimensionality. The 3 is a prime number. So is 5. Likewise for 7. Add them up. Their total of 11 is yet another prime number!
These 11 dimensions jam the master code’s number lock. Why? Primes are odd numbers, so they do not divide evenly. Thus 3, 5, 7, and 11, plus that awkward parsing of half-dimensions…so much “oddness” defeats an easy proliferation of higher orders of dimensionality.
In effect, the prime number subsets that developed the 11 dimensions broke off the key in the master code’s number lock.
Otherwise, dimensionality might have become a cancerous growth, escalating like a greedy tumor eating up all the tachyon energy in that 3D time bubble, wasting it away by pumping out evermore complex orders of dimensionality…
Thus it cannot parallel our 3D space with its 3D time. Nor our matter with its antimatter. Nor our slow tardyonic energy with its zippy tachyonic energy. Nor can it counterbalance our ubiquitous arrow of time in the upper bubble with its ubiquitous arrow of space in the lower bubble.
Nor does current physics yet realize that the time and space arrows are actually the two polarized halves of a single, yet omnipresent dimension that is playing in 8-loops across both bubbles.
All the moving arrows of ½D time or ½D space are stress vectors. Taken together, they form 8-loops that become a tensor network circulating perpetually across both bubbles.
Each moving arrow in the network switches polarity whenever it crosses the membrane interface between both huge bubbles—from time to space as it enters the other bubble below the mobic scale—or vice versa, switching from space back to time as the moving arrow re-enters our own bubble.
The tensor network goes 8-looping constantly across both mirror-twin bubbles of this Double Bubble universe. All those 8-loops pass through the ultra-tiny, mobic pores of the membrane interface conjoining both bubbles.
I call the pores mactors. Why that name? Each individual mactor is a dimensional pore that combines some traits of a Mobius band and some traits of a Lorenz attractor, hence the name of mactor.
Each mobic band of dimensionality…each mactor…is faced by 2D space and 2D time. The dynamic of its constantly repolarizing warp is what projects dimensionality…as meanwhile, each ultra-tiny pore continually separates, yet also conjoins the mirror-twin domains of this Double Bubble universe.
Think of the Double Bubble universe’s two huge bubbles as something rather like the two domains of a Lorenz attractor. The 3D space and 3D time act as its three ODEs (or Ordinary Differential Equations). They use the moving arrows of ½D time and ½D space to iterate the evolving nonlinear solution of continually emergent universal reality.
Remarkably—due to the constantly revolving warp of the mobic pores at the mobic scale, and also due to reciprocal scaling for space, time, matter, and energy between bubbles—the two bubbles exist inside each other at opposite ends of the sizing spectrum!
Thus our universe is rather like a giant vertical version of a Lorenz attractor that is caught in a Klein bottle. We live in a kleiniverse!