
I Ching & Insights into

Genetic Code

To understand the I Ching better, during 1990-91, I taught at Jinan University in China for a year and studied the I Ching with scholar Zhang Luanling.

There I also had many informative discussions with scholar Tan Shi-lin. I did this because I was exploring the puzzle of why the genetic code and the ancient I Ching show so many parallels.


To a casual eye, the genetic code seems very different from the I Ching. One is physical; the other is metaphysical. One is new knowledge; the other is very old. DNA codes for organic matter, but the I Ching claims to show the flow of universal mind, which ancient China called the Tao.

The two systems appear to be very different concepts existing in unrelated areas of study that have been explored by historically disparate cultures located far apart in both space and time.

And yet both systems are trying to describe nature’s dynamics. Both systems attempt to explain how mind and matter use energy to create dynamic change that occurs across space and time.

My puzzle was this: both systems, DNA and I Ching, seem to echo each other in both math and meaning! But why? Slowly I found out the reason. The genetic code’s double helix and the I Ching’s math are both based on the same underlying co-chaos paradigm.

I worked for about 10 years on correlating those two systems, both physically and metaphysically. Fortunately, the genetic code and I Ching shorthand are two well-known scripts in historical knowledge.

Both variants code by developing polarized triplets that then pair-bond into 64 polarized 6-packs.

I Ching hexagrams are often viewed simplistically as mere binary counting. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz recognized the binary counting aspect in 1701 when he received a woodcut of the hexagrams sent to him by Jesuit missionary Joachim Bouvet, who was living in China. Leibniz had just spent several years inventing binary numbers himself in Germany!


That woodcut gave Leibniz quite a jolt! What a shock to find that binary counting from 0 to 63 was quite evident in the woodcut’s ancient xiantian order of I Ching hexagrams!


Each system has 64 symbols: hexagrams on the left, RNA codons on the right

Genetics Hex

The I Ching’s 64 hexagrams count in binary from 0 at the upper left corner across and down to 63 at the bottom right corner, using yin to stand for 0 and yang for 1. On the right are the 64 RNA codons. Their amino acids build organisms.

The two systems parallel each other. You may protest, “But hey, the two charts look quite different! How can they be based on the same paradigm?”

Yes, it’s true, at first glance they do look quite different. The I Ching chart has 8 columns × 8 rows of yin/yang lines, but the RNA chart has 4 columns × 16 rows of alphabet.

Moreover, the I Ching uses only 2 symbols-yin and yang-but RNA uses 4 symbols-U, C, A, and G.

Furthermore, a hexagram has two 3-packs that bond into a 6-pack of lines, but an RNA codon has just a single 3-pack of molecules. For instance, look at those red and green codons. They’re the four traffic codons, and each codon is just a 3-pack of information.

If the two charts look so different, how can they be based on the same paradigm?

Here’s how. They are just two different ways of symbolizing the doubled, polarized bifurcation tree that develops a co-chaos system.

By examining both systems carefully, it becomes apparent that the genetic code and I Ching math are two fractal variants of the same underlying paradigm.

For instance, yes, RNA’s 64 codons are just 3-packs, not 6-packs. But its parental DNA is made of a pair of 3-packs. Likewise, a hexagram is made of a pair of 3-packs. By studying both systems carefully, you can see how they cross-code each other.

And, yes, the I Ching uses only 2 symbols, but RNA uses 4 symbols. However, look at the Master Code page on this site. It shows the four bigrams that can cross-code with RNA’s four molecules, since both systems use the analinear number path from 2 to 8.


Genetics Grid

The 2 can take a chunky, unitized path to reach 8: adding itself (2+2+2+2 = 8). The 2 can also take two different analog, relational paths to reach 8: by doubling itself (2 doubled = 4; 4 doubled = 8)…or by performing the exponential growth of itself (2 × 2 = 4; 2 × 3 = 8).

Sure, the additive route has to make an extra stop at 6, its hiccup spot circled on the chart. Still, all three methods reliably hit 2 and 4 to reach the goal of 8.

No other number path has three alternate routes that boast such tight and total accord of method, progression, and goal.

The 2’s merger of method, progression, and goal between 2 and 8 is what lets DNA remain stable as it paradoxically also evolves. Such number accord is also what keeps our universe stable as it evolves.


The I Ching’s easy math shorthand can describe the co-chaos paradigm underlying the genetic code. This TOE says both systems are fractal variants templated off a far older master code of polarized force that generated the universe itself. That co-chaos paradigm underlies the genetic code, the I Ching math, and the fundamental master code that generated our universe.All three codes use a polarized pair of pairs: the genetic code uses four base molecules; the I Ching uses four bigrams, the master code uses four great primals-space, time, matter and energy. All three codes develop polarized 3-packs that pair-bond into 64 polarized 6‑packs.Taken together, all three codes offer us a Rosetta Stone with two known codes that can reveal and unlock the obscure master code of gravitational pulsing that generated and maintains our Double Bubble universe.The foundational paradigm is so flexible that it can even code for designs. Here is Save a Tree over Reflectory. It’s two copies of the 64 RNA codons whose amino acids make your body.



The message itself-“co-chaos patterning at work”-can appear in any medium that lets a polarized pair of pairs organize by pair-bonded triplets into 8 × 8 = 64 polarized 6-packs.This co-chaos message appears in the I Ching hexagram’s 6-pack; it appears in DNA’s molecular 6-pack; it appears in the quark’s flavor 6-pack; it appears in the lepton’s particle 6-pack.Its more broken symmetries appear in science as triplets and octaves in matter and energy, for example as triads and octaves of elements in chemistry, as triads of particles and octaves of light in physics…and it also appears in music as triads and octaves of notes.Due to the hidden surety of reinforcing numbers in the underlying math paradigm, DNA’s 8 × 8 codons and the I Ching’s 8 × 8 trigrams both develop 64 co-chaos patterns that funnel all their number approaches into the remarkably stable, yet evolving condition of life in each individual body and mind, and also in the universal body and mind.Such numerical dexterity is what makes our genetic code work, and also what renders the versatile I Ching math capable of shorthanding it. Its math codes for DNA, RNA, and even validates wobble in the 3rd nucleotide of a codon.Here is the Laughing Gas Afghan. Its design codes for DNA’s 6-packs of molecules spiraling on a double helix…

The paradigm’s easy math combines the linear mode of binary/additive units with the analog mode of period-doubling/exponential growth for the limited, specific range of numbers from 2 through 8.

The reinforcing, mix-and-match number path between 2 and 8 to fosters a dynamic that consolidates into fractal chaos patterning at the third level of bifurcation outward on the dptree’s branches and roots. This generates co-chaos dynamics. (See the Master Code page.)

Due to the hidden surety of reinforcing numbers in the underlying math paradigm, DNA’s 8 × 8 codons and the I Ching’s 8 × 8 trigrams both develop 64 co-chaos patterns that funnel all their number approaches into the remarkably stable, yet evolving condition of life in each individual body and mind, and also in the universal body and mind.

Such numerical dexterity is what makes our genetic code work, and also what renders the versatile I Ching math capable of shorthanding it. Its math codes for DNA, RNA, and even validates wobble in the 3rd nucleotide of a codon.

Here is the Laughing Gas Afghan. Its design codes for DNA’s 64 basic 6-packs of molecules spiraling on a double helix…
